Where faith meets art

Our submissions are currently closed.

We will update this page when we open submissions. You can keep an eye out on our social media, and , where we will announce any submission windows.

Please note any work sent to us outside the submission period will be deleted from our inbox

What We Publish

We publish flash fiction, short fiction, poetry, creative non-fiction and artwork. We're open to most genres. We have a few specific guidelines we ask you to follow.

What kind of work we're interested in:

For example, your character might be of a particular faith and casually mentions this in conversation. Or you might be exploring the world of existential questions. Big or small, we want it all!

We welcome work from authors of all faiths or no faith. We ask that your work be respectful of religion and that any negative experiences be written in a tasteful and mature manner.

We're NOT looking for:

If your work requires a content warning, we'd appreciate it if you could put this at the top of your submission.

You can read our editors' bios to find out the kinds of work we'd love to see, but you are most welcome to submit anything outside of this too. If you're not too sure whether your work would be a good fit for us, don't self reject! Submit to us anyway as you never know where your work will take you.

Please note our word count limits for fiction and CNF are the 'sweet spot' of what we want to read; they are not absolute. Keep in mind any work over 5,000 words is unlikely to be accepted.


  1. Submit your work through our online form
  2. Please use a standard font and size with your name on the work.
  3. Please make sure your work is PROOFREAD as much as possible.
  4. You can submit up to 3 pieces of work per issue (we will only publish one per issue). Please check the poetry section for specific requirements.
  5. Accepted file types for written work is: .doc, .docx, .pdf (this just makes it easier for us to read on our devices).
  6. File types for art: .png, .jpeg, .jpg
  7. Simultaneous submissions are acceptable, just let us know if your work has been accepted elsewhere
  8. We accept previously published work (except for poetry). We also champion new writers and artists!
  9. We aim to respond to all submissions with a decision within three months after the submissions period closes. If you have not heard back within this timeframe, please drop us an email.

At the moment we are unable to pay for the pieces that we accept. We will champion your work on our social media accounts and wherever else we can spread the word!

  • fiction

    Short stories: up to 3,500 words

    Flash fiction: up to 800 words

    Bring us your epic shorts or quiet reflections, your colourful characters and mysterious worlds. Genre-bending is encouraged!

  • poetry

    Please submit up to 4 poems per person per submission period. We will only consider previously unpublished, original poetry.

    Lead us through your heartfelt meditations and hushed prayers. Weave us poetry that make our hearts tender and our souls sing.

  • creative non-fiction

    Up to 3,500 words

    Tell us your stories of faith, of the way it has shaped your world view, of the way spirituality has connected you to a deeper part of yourself.

  • art

    Photography, digital art, tradition art - whatever is your calling!

    If you are submitting traditional art, please try to scan your artwork to the highest quality before submitting. If you take a photo of your artwork we are unlikely to accept it as the quality can often be poor.